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Want to get involved at DCO? Your time is incredibly valuable to us. Check out some of our volunteer opportunities below!

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in volunteering for one of our events?

Call (417) 829-0804 for more information about how you can help!

Volunteer Opportunities

Help Out at Events

Our events are a crucial part of our fundraising strategy. The Development Department stays busy planning the next big fundraising event. Our event volunteers are essential to making events a reality! From assembling invitations or programs to setting up on the day of, your help is always welcomed!

Our most popular volunteer events are the annual Turkey Trot and Wine & Whiskey Walk. Thousands come out for the annual Turkey Trot 5K, so extra hands to help with registration and shirt distribution are invaluable. For our Wine & Whiskey Walk, we utilize teams and individuals to pour samples. Both events have an established history in the community.

To learn more about the Turkey Trot 5K, Wine & Whiskey Walk and more, check out our full events page.

Interested in volunteering in our ECCE?

Call (417) 829-0801 for more information.

Early Child Care and Education (ECCE)

Our children’s building has several volunteer opportunities with a flexible schedule. While you’re volunteering in our ECCE program, you may be asked to:

  • Rock babies to sleep.
  • Play with or read to children.
  • Be an extra set of hands and eyes for activities.

The children also love it when volunteers come in to share about their occupation — i.e., firefighters, athletes, etc. DCO participates in the Foster Grandparent Program — our children love their classroom grandparents!

For college and high school students, service learning and practicums with DCO are a great way to get real-world experience.

DCO Tech and Learning Center

Interested in volunteering at our TLC?

Call (417) 829-0850 for more information.

DCO Tech and Learning Center

Adult Programs

Want to help our adult participants thrive? Your involvement in our adult programs can provide immense value to students who want to continue learning.

Our Technology Learning Center (TLC) is an excellent place to get connected with our adult programs. You could be a guest speaker if you’re a professional in an occupation related to one of our classes. Your business could be an off-site visit for classes to see real-life applications of their curriculum. In addition, we have opportunities to work one-on-one with adults during the classes.

DCO Donations

Make a Donation to DCO

We appreciate all of our volunteers and the work they do for our mission. If you’re looking for another great way to get on board with DCO, you can donate!

We have ample opportunities for you to contribute to our mission. Giving in-kind services or materials is a tremendous help to us, especially when we would have had to pay out of our budget, such as lawn care, maintenance supplies or professional clothing for our employment programs.

Of course, monetary gifts are also a meaningful way to support DCO and be involved. We invite you to call (417) 829-0896 and schedule a time to tour our facility! See firsthand why being involved with DCO makes a difference!

Become A Volunteer

Whether you can volunteer once a week or one day a year, any time you give is valuable to us. Fill out the volunteer interest form to get started.

Contact DCO