Our Program
The DCO Employment Services program is nationally accredited and has helped many find and maintain successful employment in the Springfield area since 1988.
A few keys to our program’s success include:
- Finding jobs that match participants’ interests and abilities with employers’ needs
- Providing high-quality, on-the-job training for as long as needed
- Offering long-term monitoring and employee or employer assistance at any time
- Teaching and training job readiness skills
Who Is This Program For?
Individuals who are over 16 and referred through Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and the Department of Mental Health (DMH) are eligible for services. Supported Employment applicants are referred through VR, which accepts referrals from the school systems, DMH Regional Office, Sheltered Workshops and the general community.
Our Areas of Focus
- VR and DMH Employment Services
- Employment Training Opportunities
- Career Assessment and Job Development
- Job Coaching and Retention Services
Program Cost
There is generally no cost with referrals and support from VR and DMH, Division of Developmental Disabilities Springfield Regional Office.
DCO Employment services is truly a full-circle experience of supports.
K., Service Recipient
Contact Us
If you know an eligible individual who would like to start a career of their own, visit our contact page to fill out a form to learn more about our Employment Services program.
Admission to any DCO program, service or staff position will not be denied due to race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, sexual orientation, military status or disability.
Main Campus
1545 E Pythian
Springfield, MO 65802
7:30 AM–5:30 PM
Administration Offices
Mon–Fri: 7:30 AM–4:30 PM
Privacy Policy Staff Resources
Copyright 2023 Developmental Center of the Ozarks