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Enrollment Forms
Find all the necessary forms to enroll in our adult and childcare programs and therapy services here.
Local Resources
Our local resources are a great place to find support. Learn more about other organizations you can take advantage of right here in the Ozarks.
Missouri Resources
Missouri offers various resources for children, individuals with disabilities and new parents. Learn more about services you may be eligible for as a Missouri resident.
Natural Resources
The Accreditation Council
A resource for individuals, families, advocates, provider organizations, professionals and the public sector.
American Academy of Pediatrics
An organization of 50,000 pediatricians dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children and young adults.
The American Association on Mental Retardation
A national organization for professionals and others interested in the field of mental retardation.
Best Buddies
A national organization dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic isolation of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission promotes and improves the quality, value and optimal outcomes of persons served by CARF-accredited programs.
Council for Exceptional Children
A professional organization dedicated to improving education outcomes for students with disabilities.
Epilepsy Foundation of America
A national organization for people affected by seizures through research, education, advocacy and service.
FRAXA Research Foundation
A national nonprofit organization providing information on Fragile X syndrome.
Family Network on Disabilities
A network dedicated to empowering parents.
Genetic Alliance
A national coalition of consumers, professionals and genetic support groups for concerns on genetic conditions.
The Hydrocephalus Association
An association dedicated to serving individuals with hydrocephalus. You can find a hydrocephalus fact sheet on their website.
A gateway consumer health information website from the United States Government.
The Job Accommodation Network provides accommodations for workers with disabilities.
National Association of Child Care Resources and Referral Agencies
An association dedicated to ensuring that families have access to high-quality, affordable child care.
National Association of the Education of Young Children
A professional organization that is dedicated to high-quality early learning for children ages birth through eight years old by connecting early childhood practice and support for all who care for, educate and work on behalf of young children.
National Association of the Family Child Care
This association is dedicated to providing high-quality child care.
The National Down Syndrome Society
The largest non-governmental supporter of Down Syndrome research in the United States, but also focuses on education and advocacy. Helpful, up-to-date news and referral services are also available.
National Organization for Rare Disorders
A network that delivers technical assistance and information dissemination on rare disorders.
Newborn Screening Portal
This CDC page is dedicated to providing more information about newborn screens you can use to identify disease or disability.
Safety Rules for Children
Essential rules to teach your children about safety at home and school.
Special Education Resources on the Internet
A collection of internet-accessible resources for individuals who are involved in special education.
U.S. Department of Education
The Department of Education promotes student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.
United Way
Access to local, national and international campaigns and projects. History and news about the United Way is also available.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in the Developmental Center of the Ozarks. If you have a question about our services, programs or upcoming events, please fill out a contact form to get in touch.
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1545 E Pythian
Springfield, MO 65802
7:30 AM–5:30 PM
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Mon–Fri: 7:30 AM–4:30 PM
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