In case of inclement weather, please check KY3 for closings and updates. Look for the listing under DEVELOPMENTAL CENTER OF THE OZARKS and READ CAREFULLY


Want to get involved at DCO? Your time is incredibly valuable to us. Check out some of our volunteer opportunities below!

Help Out at Events

Our events are a crucial part of our fundraising strategy. The Development Department stays busy planning the next big fundraising event. Our event volunteers are essential to making events a reality! From assembling invitations or programs to setting up on the day of, your help is always welcomed!

Our most popular volunteer events are the annual Turkey Trot and Wine & Whiskey Walk. Thousands come out for the annual Turkey Trot 5K, so extra hands to help with registration and shirt distribution are invaluable. For our Wine & Whiskey Walk, we utilize teams and individuals to pour samples. Both events have an established history in the community.

To learn more about the Turkey Trot 5K, Wine & Whiskey Walk and more, check out our full events page.